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Packaging Our Bottled Beers

Packaging Our Bottled Beers

Once upon a time we used to hand-bottle all our beers, and then hand label them with a front and back label. We hated it.

The results were pretty good, but it took so much time and effort for our small team that we couldn't ever grow our bottled business as we wanted.

Early in 2019 we talked to Staffordshire Brewery's owner Adrian and production manager Tom about bottling our beers offsite with them.

Tom's attention to detail and SALSA experience really persuaded us that Staffordshire could do a great job for us.

We sent our first beer off in March 2019 and many, many thousands of bottles later haven't looked back since.

All our beers packaged at Staffordshire are packaged in their SALSA accredited production environment.

Beautifully crisp, clear and carbonated. The bottles are perfect every time. And the best thing?

We don't have to put stickers on any more!

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